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Tennis Elbow

Treating tennis elbow

Tennis elbow is a self-limiting condition, which means it will eventually get better without treatment.

However, it can often last for several weeks or months, because tendons heal slowly. In some cases, tennis elbow can persist for more than a year.

A number of simple treatments can help alleviate the pain of tennis elbow. The most important thing you can do is rest your injured arm and stop doing the activity that caused the problem (see below).

Holding a cold compress, such as a bag of frozen peas wrapped in a towel, against your elbow for a few minutes several times a day can help ease the pain.

Invasive treatments, such as surgery, will usually only be considered in severe and persistent cases of tennis elbow, where non-surgical approaches have not been effective.

I treat this on a weekly basis and get some really good results, especially lately it responds very well to dry needling.

Self treatment lock it where the pain is on the lateral epicondyle and move the wrist.